Friday, December 9, 2011

Kindergarten Updates

We are busy getting ready for the holidays in Kindergarten! 

Social Studies - We have been learning about holidays around the world.  This week, we talked about the arrival of Sinterklaas in Holland.  Next week, we will discuss St. Lucia and Las Posadas!  Today, eveyone will get a chance to share a special family tradition.

Reading Workshop - Good readers put their reading "superpowers" to use by applying the strategies that they have learned - (predicting, connecting, finger pointing, and finding sight words).  This week, we focused on looking for patterns within the text.  Students were also assigned new reading buddies. 

Writing Workshop - Good writers raise the quality of their Small Moment stories by telling the reader their feelings about what happened.  Good writers also stretch out their writing across several pages, and work hard to make their writing readable.

Math - We are continuing our exploration of numbers 0-9. We are learning how to correctly form the numbers, how to spell the number words and the picture representation of each digit.  We are also reviewing previous topics like patterning and shapes.

  • Each student should have a weather appropriate change of clothes in their cubby. Sometimes the playground is wet, and students don’t want to stay in damp clothes all day. Please be sure to change the clothing as the weather changes.
  • Please send in 2 snacks for your child.  Many students have been eating their snack during lunch and are very hungry by the afternoon.