Friday, February 1, 2013


I will be attending a workshop/training Monday-Wednesday.  Please make sure to send a note if your child's departure is changing. 

Make sure your child has a change of clothes at school.  The playground gets muddy.

100th Day baggies are due on or before February 7th!

The Valentine's Day Share is at 9:30 on February 14th!

Please send take home books back to school regularly so your child can get new books:)

This week in reading we learned that Good Readers recommend books!  We practiced listening to book introductions given by Mrs. Byrne, and then we practiced by giving book introductions to our reading buddies.  A good book introduction should include:
  • The title
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Some of the events
  • Why you liked the book and/or why you think your buddy would like it
We also read about current events, like Groundhog's Day!  During morning meeting everyone made a prediction about whether or not the Groundhog would see his shadow. 

Shared Reading:  Mr. Groundhog

In Writing Workshop we learned that Good Writers...
  • Tell true stories!
  • Tell their story across three fingers...First, then, finally...
  • Stretch their writing across pages
  • Leave spaces between their words
During Math we continued to make combinations of different numbers.  We used the math rack to make all of the different combinations of 6, 7 and 10.  Students practiced making the different combinations of  6 and 7.  Some started noticing a pattern of composing and decomposing numbers - 3+4 =7, 2+5=7, 1+6=7.

During Social Studies and Science we continued to discuss the weather and seasons.  We talked about and illustrated the different characteristics of each season.  We had fun predicting whether or not he Groundhog would see his/her shadow.  Our 2nd Steps unit focused on feelings and how feeling effect people differently.