During Reading Workshop we learned that Good Readers...
- Know how to use their classroom library.
- Keep their book choices in a book bag.
- Look for sight words in their books.
During Writing Workshop we learned that Good Writers...
- Think of something that happened to them, and sketch it on paper.
- Stretch out the sounds they hear in words.
- Share and talk about their work.
- Clean out their writing folders!
During math we learned that Good Mathematicians...
- Work on number formation.
- We started to practice writing numbers 1-10.
- A sheet explaining number formation will go home at the end of next week!
Sight Words: Our class word is the. Students received their individualized sight word ring this week. Their sight word ring stays at school. They practiced their 5 sight words with a teacher. The same 5 sight words were sent home on orange paper accompanied by some ideas on how to practice them at home.
Social Studies/Science - We celebrated Columbus Day! We talked about his explorations and completed fun activities. Our 2nd Steps lesson involved using self-talk (a quiet voice) to repeat directions, focus attention, and ignore someone who is distracting you. Please review the Home Link with your child. The activity is optional!
Have a wonderful weekend!