- Kindergarten Thanksgiving snack on Wednesday - we will eat with the other Kindergarten classrooms. No nuts please! This is a "kid" only event:)
- Early dismissal on Wednesday - 1:25pm.
- Thank you to all of the November volunteers!
- Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
- Notice patterns in the books that they read.
- Point under each word and notice sight words in a "snap."
- read about current events - Thanksgiving.
Sight Words - We added two new sight words to our word wall - see, and on. Individual sight words were sent home this week. Please try to review this with your child!
Good Writers...
- Look closely at the world and write about it; just like scientists!
- We examined objects under a magnifying glass, sketched them, and labeled our illustration.
- We continued to practice stretching out the sounds we hear in words.
- Publish their work! We chose our favorite piece to display in the classroom.
Social Studies - We have been learning about the first Thanksgiving and comparing it to current traditions. We have also been talking about what we should be thankful for. We made "thankful for" placemats with our 4th grade buddies! They are being laminated and hopefully will be sent home soon!