Unpacking our bag
and making our lunch choice
during Morning Meeting
Walking safely in the hallway
Leaving the
building quickly and quietly during a fire drill
Packing our bags at the end of the day
Together, we created some Classroom Expectations that should create a fun and safe working environment. Please discuss these with your child:
1. We are kind and caring friends.
2. We raise our hand to share.
3. We always do our BEST work.
4. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
5. We have fun while we learn!
Friendly Reminders:
Please make sure your child has sneakers on PE days - Day B and Day D
Send in an art smock with your child's name printed clearly on the front. Please send in a change of clothes for playground and/or bathroom accidents.
Picture day is the morning of Wednesday, September 11th! You can pre-order online and send payment confirmations to school, or you can send a check with your order form.
If you haven't already done so, please send in $7.00 for Let's Find Out magazine!
Open House is Thursday, September 26th from 7:00-7:30.
Please pack a snack each day.