Friday, October 18, 2013

I hope everyone has a great, fall weekend!

Thank you so much to our Mystery Readers! It's been so much fun for the kids. Make sure to check in at the office when you arrive:)

Picture Retake Day is Thursday, November 7. Please let me know if you would like him/her to have a retake. Please keep the class picture that you received in your original order and return your child’s individual pictures to school on November 7. They will be collected by the photographer.

PeaceWorks visited our classroom to discuss strategies we can all use to calm down - like take 5!

During Reading Workshop we learned that readers…see more when they read with a buddy! •

  • They notice the who, what, where, feeling, and trouble in the story. • They Turn and Talk (knee to knee and eye to eye) with their buddy to discuss the character’s actions and feelings. • They answer “why” questions and explain their thinking to their reading buddy. • Act out the character’s actions with their reading buddy.

    During Writing Workshop we learned that writers are coaches! • They work together with their buddy to think, plan, and write their story. • They give each other compliments, ask questions, and offer suggestions to improve one another's writing. • Take turns sharing…buddy 1 goes first and then buddy 2.

    During Math we began Unit 2 in Investigations. We looked at and discussed counting books. We talked about what we count in class, when we count and why. We take attendance, what's in our Counting Jar, how many people are buying lunch, students during a fire drill, how many days we have been in school. We began creating our own counting books too!

    We continued our math workshop routine - exploration of materials, the counting jar, attribute block and button match up.

    Social Studies - Our 2nd Steps lesson discussed self-talk. We learned that self-talk is when you talk to yourself in a quiet voice or in your head. We use self-talk to stay on task and remember directions. We reviewed previous 2nd steps lessons and talked about handling feelings of frustration and/or anger.