I just wanted to thank you so much for the wonderful baby shower! I appreciate all of the special goodies and the onesies that the kids decorated. I have truly enjoyed working with this class and will miss them very much. Thank you for all of your support throughout the year!
- Report cards will be sent home on Monday, March 10th.
Wednesday, March 12-14th are early dismissal days. Students will be dismissed at 1:25 p.m. Kindergarten pickups will go to the common room at 1:15 p.m.
Reading Workshop - Reading is an adventure!
- Readers read closely for information.
- They pay attention to the pictures and notice new words.
- Readers discuss the book with their buddy and ask questions.
- Writers use caution tips and suggestions to give advice to their readers.
- Writers use a checklist to "fix and fancy-up" their writing as best as they can.
- Writers celebrate their success and share with the class!
- We made inch-worm rulers and used them to measure various objects.
- We measured our shoes using non-standard measures; cubes, bears, paper clips, links, and crayons.
- We compared and contrasted our findings!