Friday, March 21, 2014

This week began with a fun St. Patrick's Day celebration and ended with a valuable Kimochi lesson, during which we made Kimochi soup!  To acknowledge the first day of Spring, we colored beautiful garden books to bring home for you.

Reading Workshop - Reading continues to be an adventure!
  • We reviewed the technique of using pictures in books to help us with tricky words.
  • We also worked on using pictures in books to help us learn more than just what's written on the page.
  • We discussed the value of reading more than one nonfiction book on the same topic (we practiced by reading two different books about baby animals and discussing the similarities and differences between the two).
  • Readers discovered that we can compare a fiction book with a nonfiction book on a similar subject, and learn from both.
  • Next week, we will be reading nonfiction books, looking for patterns in them, and asking ourselves, "what was the author trying to teach me?".

Writing Workshop - We continued our unit on "All About" Books!
  • Writers continued work on their "All About Me" books.  
  • Writers who have completed their "All About Me" book are beginning a new "All About" book, using a topic that they are experts on.

Math: This week, we introduced story problems and talked about visualizing the story in our head.  We "acted out" a few story problems and discussed various ways that we could figure out the answer.  We will be continuing to work on story problems moving forward and will be discussing the idea of "more or less" in the coming week.

Social Studies/Science:  We have begun our unit on "living and nonliving" things.  For the purpose of our studies, in order for something to be considered "living", it must need air, water, and food, and it must be able to grow.  We also classified living things into 3 categories: people, animals, and plants.

Technology: This week, our Smartboard game center focused on identifying and recognizing upper-case and lower-case letters.  All groups had the opportunity to play the game, spread out over a 2-day period.