We continued to practice classroom and school routines! We begin each day with morning meeting where we greet one another.
During Reading Workshop we...
- Read from books in bins at our tables.
- Practiced taking care of our books.
- Turned and talked with our new reading buddies about the story.
- Worked on our independent reading stamina!
- Started practicing sight words - everyone will receive their own individualized sight word ring.
During Writing Workshop we...
- Learned how to use our Yellow writing folders - red dot vs. green dot.
- Wrote a story through illustrations.
- Shared our story.
- Practiced our math centers routine.
- Learned how to use math manipulatives - (cubes, pattern blocks, 3-D blocks).
- Shared how we used the math manipulatives - (patterning, counting, constructing).
- Learned counting games like POP/TENS and counting cubes to make a rod.
- Voice quiet, body still, ears listening, eyes watching!
- We also learned about "body bubbles" and giving one another space.
- Please send in $7.00 for Let's Find Out.
- Please send a note if your child's departure is changing.
- Everyone needs a smock for Art and a change of clothes.
- Picture Day is Wednesday!!! Send in your order forms.