Friday, October 28, 2011

Updates and Reminders...

We were all about Halloween this week!  Students completed several crafts and Halloween themed activities.  The class can't wait to dress in their costumes for the Share and Parade at 10:15 on Monday.  Don't forget your camera!

This week we learned that...

Good Readers don't read like a robot.  Instead, they think about how the character is feeling and use an exciting "storyteller" Patricia Polacco!  We also used sticky notes to mark the places in our books where we make a connection or have a strong feeling.  Everyone is doing a great job!

Good Writers have a special "writing buddy" that they meet with to share ideas and offer suggestions/compliments.  We are working hard to create stories that have a beginning, middle, and end. 

Sight Words - The class word this week was "in."  Personal lists were sent home yesterday.  New lists will not go home until after Halloween:)

Word Study - Students visit two centers each day.  They are working on sorting picure cards based on certain letter sounds, or they sorting words into word families. 

Math - We finished up our unit on Patterning and will begin looking at 3-D shapes!

Science/Social Studies - We had an assembly where we learned about the Holmes School Promise.  We are working on showing respect by being good listners!  We continued to study the 5 senses.

Have a great weekend!