Friday, January 11, 2013

  • Please send in a seasonal change of clothes for your child.  It can get wet and muddy out on the playground.
  • Spanish is on Monday and Library is on Wednesday.  Please return library books by Wednesday!
During Writing Workshop we learned that good writers...
  • Begin a sentence with a capital letter and end a sentence with a period.
  • Leave a "finger" space between their words.
  • Write across many pages.
  • Draw/color pictures that match their words.
During Reading Workshop we learned that good writers...
  • Use all their superpowers to grow as readers.
  • Read their books more than once...sometimes even two or three times!
  • Talk about reading with their buddy, and help each other solve tricky words.
Our Shared Reading was a poem titled Snowball.  We practiced reading the poem with excitement and expression!  We also looked for all of the words that we know.  

Sight Words - new class words are he, she, with, what, that.  Individual sight words were sent home yesterday.  Please practice finding your child's sight words in his/her just right books!

***I hope you and your child are enjoying the books that are being sent home!  When your child has read his/her books several times with ease, please return them to school for new books!

During Math we continued working on our new Cathy Fosnot unit - Apple Boxes.  We investigated the number of unique combinations for five apples of two kinds, green and red, and recorded the combinations for a grocer who is confused about the number of arrangements.

Social Studies - We completed a Second Steps lesson on feelings.  We practiced noticing how a person feels by looking at the facial expression and body language.  We continued to discuss how we can be kind and respectful friends!  We also talked about needs vs. wants - there are certain things we need to survive like: air, water, healthy foods, shelter, clothing.