Friday, January 18, 2013

SAVE THE DATE:  February 14th at 9:30 - Kindergarten Valentine's Day Share!  Don't forget your camera:)

***Please send in a "winter" appropriate change of clothes for your child.  I sent home all summer clothes today.  Please replace them with winter clothes.  The playground and black top can get wet and muddy.

This week in we learned...

Good Readers make sure their reading makes sense...
  • First, when they get to a tricky word they stop and check the picture.
  • Next, they stretch out the letter sounds.
  • Then, they go back and re-read to make sure it sounds right.
  • Finally, they double-check with their buddy.
Sight Words: Students have been practicing in class.  New words will go home next week!

Shared Reading:  Peas Porridge Hot.  We will continue to read this next week at school.

Good Writers...
  • Re-read their writing to make sure it makes sense.
  • Begin with a capital letter and end with a period.
  • Space out their words.
  • Create their own pattern books!
Math:  We continued our Apple Box unit.  Students worked with a partner to create different combinations of 10.  As a class, we discovered patterns for making 10.  At home, have your child use household items to make different combinations of 10.   For example, 4 red apples and 6 green apples make 10.  

Social Studies:  We discussed Martin Luther King Jr. Day in class and during library.  We talked about what each of us could do to be a better friend to everyone!  For example, you could give someone a compliment if you see that he/she is feeling sad, or you can include someone when they don't have anyone to play with.  We will continue to talk about Martin Luther King Jr. and his accomplishments next week.