Friday, November 21, 2014

Safe Talks came to talk to the class about being the boss of their own body. The presenter discussed telling a grown-up if anything makes you feel uncomfortable. We read a story and then made a list of adults that we could trust and talk to if necessary.

This Wednesday is an early release day. Dismissal will be at 1:25.

During Readers’ Workshop we continued to use our Super Powers.  This week we combined powers with our reading"
    • look for sight words
    • look for patterns
    • ask each other - “does this make sense?”
    • ask each other - ” does this sound right?"
During Writing Workshop we...
  • Used a vowel chart to help stretch out words.
  • Added feeling and action to our stories.
  • Added speech bubbles!
During Math Workshop we learned a game called Compare.  It's played like the card game War.  We also took inventory of items in our classroom through an activity called Inventory Bags.  We continued to practice counting and writing numbers up to 10.

During Social Studies we learned about the first Thanksgiving.