Friday, December 12, 2014

Reading Workshop:  We read several different versions of the Gingerbread Man, and then completed an activity to go with it
  • Make connections...text-to-self and text-to-text.  "This story reminds me of.
  • Compare and contrast the stories - characters, setting, actions and illustrations.
Monday:  The Gingerbread Man –  Make puppets to act out the story.
Tuesday:  The Gingerbread Boy – Write an ending to the book
Wednesday:  The Gingerbread Baby  – Write & Illustrate who you would run away from
Friday:  Reader's Theatre with Mrs. Pellicci's class!  Retell and act out the story using our puppets.

Writing Workshop: 
  • Re-read our writing and ask "does it make sense?"
  • Add details and elaboration to our words and illustration.
  • Stretch out each sound you hear in the words.
  • Write about reading - make their own ending to the Gingerbread Man!
Math Workshop:  Identify and match number words 1-10.  Compare objects that are shorter and longer.  Measure using non-standard units of measurement; like cubes.

Social Studies: Winter Holidays, 2nd Steps (Noticing feelings in others), Connect with Kindness Day.  Needs vs. Wants.
Science: Shelters - what should all shelters have in order to keep us safe.