Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone stayed warm this week.

During Reading Workshop we are a class of reading teachers!
  • Readers use all of their superpowers!
  • Look for chunks (smaller words that they know inside larger words).
  • Check the picture to word solve.
  • Work with a buddy to solve tricky words.
During Writing Workshop we began How To Books!
  • Writer's write teaching books.
  • Make a list of things they know how to do REALLY well.
  • Plan and act out their steps!
  • Write together - we made a class book How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.
During Math Workshop we began a new Unit - Bunk Beds.  We read a story about a sleepover and students used the math rack to make different combinations of numbers within 8.

Science/Social Studies - We began talking about the different seasons and winter holidays.